Prepping for Better Change in 2024

Hi Reader,

As the end of December nears, I've started my year-end reflections and 2024 planning. Clients are doing the same, with the goal of improving their organizations' relationship with change.

Here are 5 areas they're focused on, and that may be of help to you, too:

1) Reflect on 2023

Beyond self-reflection, plan for group reflection on the successes and challenges your organization faced. What worked well, and what could be improved? Encourage your team to share their perspectives.

It can be tough to recall the detail - even with good notes - of what happened almost a year ago. Your team members, resources, projects, and other items have likely changed since then. Focus, instead, on the last 3 months, as you'll find the strongest recollection and suggestion.

Reflecting on the past, especially in a group where members can see that it's safe to share openly, sets the foundation for intentional growth and improvements in the coming year.

2) Foster Open Communication

Communication is the backbone of any successful organization. Create an environment, beyond the group sharing of the reflections mentioned above, where open and honest communication is valued.

You can achieve this through regular team meetings, feedback sessions, and intentionally seeking input from employees throughout your organization.

Organizational communication doesn't become great because it's mentioned once as something that was thought to be important. It becomes great through exercise of behavior that becomes habit. Be nurturing of open and honest communication, and you'll pave the wave for a culture of trust and collaboration.

3) Invest in Professional Development

Continuous learners and teams made up of those with growth mindsets are most adaptable to change.

Empower your employees with the tools and knowledge they need to excel in their roles. Organize workshops, host training sessions, and provide resources for continuous learning. Consider both individual development paths and team-based learning to take advantage of the diversity of perspective and experience your workers hold.

This enhances individual skills, and contributes to the overall growth and adaptability of your organization.

4) Embrace Change Management Strategies

It's typical that people will say that a system without the support of the people is bound to fail. It's true.

Yet, too often, I see leaders forsake process just because they have the people. In essence, they're like a group of fitness enthusiasts rushing off into the wilderness for a group run, yet without a map and compass.

They're going to get lost, and Search and Rescue will have to come lead them home.

It's the same in change management. Don't let your team be the enthusiastic group that ignores vital fundamentals and formal process.

Instead of calling an Organizational Change Consultant (me 🙋) reactively, after something's gone off the rails, be proactive and bring a guide along from the start. You'll have more fun, get better results, and the knowledge will stick with you for your next change project.

Let's Work Together

5) Cultivate a Positive Company Culture

A positive company culture is the key to employee engagement and satisfaction.

Start the process of encouraging a healthy work-life harmony, recognizing achievements (in ways fitting each individual), and celebrate milestones as a team.

A positive culture attracts top talent and helps you retain existing employees, adding to the sense of loyalty and commitment.

What Would You Add?

Anything to add? Let me know by hitting reply if you're reading this in email, or by contacting us if you're reading this on the web.

In health,

David Bohmiller, MBA, MS (he/him/his)
Founder, CEO and Consulting Executive
Inevitabl LLC

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David Bohmiller, Founder @ Inevitabl

Hi, I'm David, change management consultant and leadership coach! Your support means the world to me, and I can't wait to share my insight, experience, and process with you!

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