Holiday engagement & rehiring your employees

As we've sprinted passed Thanksgiving and approach the holiday season, even your typically well-engaged employees can face distractions.

Rather than accept losses in productivity, anticipate missed targets, and endure a hobbled finish line approach, put to action the tips from the following resources to help maintain engagement and prime your workforce for the new year.

5 Tips for Increasing Employee Engagement During the Holiday Months

Of the 5 tips in Stefan Lewinger's article, my favorite is the 1st - to recognize your employees in their everyday work.

There's nothing more deflating to a team that hasn't taken their collective feet off the gas pedal than to have their efforts and achievements overlooked.

With personal and professional responsibilities, packed calendars, and looming deadlines, even highly-organized leaders can experience fumbles in this area.

If you find yourself slipping, jot a note in your planner, or place tasks in your calendar. Just make sure that your recognition is authentic.

Read the full article here

6 Ways to Keep Employees Engaged During the Holiday Season

Among other things, an engaged employee is one who feels valued - not just for who they are professionally, yet for who they are personally, too.

In Dan Ruch's article, he highlights the importance of promoting perks and benefits that boost mental health and employee well-being.

Taking interest in, and supporting, employee's goals in resolutions, family time, charitable giving, and special activities can build loyalty and a sense of us. Find ways to show up.

Read the full article here

These Are the Conversations Leaders Should Have Before the End of the Year

In this article, Karen Eber provides insight on reshaping year-end summary conversations.

Don't dwell, with employees, on lengthy lists of opportunities to improve. Instead, paint the vision of why you're so excited for each employee's involvement, and how they're perfectly suited for the task ahead.

Imagine the engagement if each employee were to feel the same excitement and butterflies as when they 1st came on board!

Read the full article here

What Was Your Most Memorable Year-End Convo?

Does something one of your leaders did or said, at year end, stand out positively in your mind? Did it spark additional engagement, productivity, or sense of team? I'd love to hear about it.

Hit reply, if you're reading this in email. Or, contact us, if you're reading this in browser, and let me know!

Here's to a great December!

In health,

David Bohmiller, MBA, MS (he/him/his)
Founder, CEO and Consulting Executive
Inevitabl LLC

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David Bohmiller, Founder @ Inevitabl

Hi, I'm David, change management consultant and leadership coach! Your support means the world to me, and I can't wait to share my insight, experience, and process with you!

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